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Enerpac Spain, S.L.U. (Fábrica)

Avda. Urtiaga, 6

48269 Mallabia, Spain

Tel.: (+34) 943 17 12 00

Tel. Sales: (+34) 943 17 12 50 / (+34) 943 17 12 04

The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg

Galvanistraat 115, 6716 AE Ede

P.O. Box 8097, 6710 AB Ede

The Netherlands

Tel.: (+34) 943 17 12 00

Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, Baltic States, and CIS countries

Krakowska Street 280

building: Eximius Park 200, floor 1

32-080 Zabierzów, Poland

France and French speaking Switzerland

6 rue du 4 septembre

Immeuble Le Poversy

Bâtiment B – 6ème étage

92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

Tel: +33 1 60 13 68 68

Germany, Austria and German speaking Switzerland

Boelckestrasse 21-23

D-50171 Kerpen, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)2237-92301-0

Italy, Greece and Turkey

Via Leonardo da Vinci, 97

20090 Trezzano sul Naviglio

Milano Italy

Tel.: +39 02 4861 111

Spain and Portugal

Avenida Valdelaparra N° 27 3ª - L8

28108 Alcobendas

(Madrid), Spain

Tel.: +34 91 884 86 06

Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland

Box 83, 82222 Alfta


Tel.: +46 (0) 415 000