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  1. SSP03006
  2. SSP03006
  3. SSP03006
  4. SSP03006
  5. SSP03006
  6. SSP03006

SSP03006, 30 ton Capacidad, 2.44 pulg Carrera, Simple Efecto Retorno por Muelle, Cilindro Hidráulico de Poca Altura

  • Low height hydraulic cylinders with capacities from 10 to 90 Tn, stroke up to 62 mm, rated for 700 bar.
  • Single acting spring return configuration.
  • Low profile for use in confined spaces: machinery positioning, tool fastening, load tests.
  • Nickel plated piston with wiper seal to extend cylinder life.
  • Optional tilt saddles available.
  • Available in APAC countries only.


Modelo: SSP03006   |   Serie: SSP   |  Línea de Producto: Herramientas Industriales
  • Low height hydraulic cylinders with capacities from 10 to 90 Tn, stroke up to 62 mm, rated for 700 bar.
  • Single acting spring return configuration.
  • Low profile for use in confined spaces: machinery positioning, tool fastening, load tests.
  • Nickel plated piston with wiper seal to extend cylinder life.
  • Optional tilt saddles available.
  • Available in APAC countries only.

Comparación de series
